Gwinnett County Real Estate License Defense

Chiropractor License Defense Lawyer
Serving Gwinnett County, Georgia

Gwinnett County Real Estate License Defense Attorney in Georgia

Real estate professionals are held to high standards in Georgia.

If a complaint is made against a Gwinnett County real estate licensee, the risk of an adverse license action (i.e. license suspension) is very real even if the complaint seems unjustified.

The Georgia State Real Estate Commission and Appraisers Board (sometimes referred to as the GREC) is likely to launch an investigation if you are accused of wrongdoing, misconduct or anything that potentially brings the profession into disrepute. 

The Commission has access to considerable resources to conduct the investigation and potentially probate, suspend, or revoke your license.

It is important to treat any complaints seriously and to respond effectively to questions from the Commission. You need to be ready with answers if you want to prevent the loss of the license you worked so hard for and invested so much time in.

Consider speaking with a professional license defense attorney experienced in protecting real estate licensees.

Adam D. Brown has helped professionals from many fields stand up for their rights and protect their careers. He can assist your real estate license defense so that the impact of an investigation does not adversely impact your long-term career in the industry.

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Why is the real estate business so heavily regulated in Georgia?

Often, when people in Georgia purchase property, it is the largest financial decision they ever make.

The stakes are very high for most people so the state government wants to ensure that buyers and sellers are treated fairly and professionally. 

Everyone involved in a real estate deal places a high degree of trust in the real estate professionals responsible for the property. Therefore, they are expected to act with honesty and integrity. 

Professionals who drop below these standards and expectations are likely to receive a complaint against them at some point. 

It is in the interests of the Georgia State Real Estate Commission and Appraisers Board to closely regulate the industry and monitor/respond to complaints and ensure that every professional with a license acts with honesty, trustworthiness, integrity, and competence.

Defending your professional real estate license in Georgia

real estate agent license defense lawyer in GeorgiaEveryone involved in the real estate business must follow the rules and regulations set forth by the GREC – all real estate licensees, appraisers and brokers.

It is a powerful governmental board with considerable resources at its disposal to regulate real estate professionals, issue or deny licenses, enforce the rules, and investigate complaints.

Individuals seeking a real estate license in Georgia are frequently turned down by the Commission because of a lack of qualifications, or failing to appropriately explain past misdemeanors. 

If you are in this position or are the subject of a current complaint made by a member of the public or a fellow real estate professional, the Law Office of Adam D. Brown can help you defend your professional name in the industry.

As an experienced legal advocate accustomed to defending professional licenses, he will present a defense to the Commission  that would be difficult to do alone and without legal assistance.

Given the potentially serious consequences for your career, the legal support provided by an experienced real estate license defense attorney should greatly ease your concerns.

Why might an investigation be launched against you?

An Investigation may be launched by the Commission because of any alleged act of misconduct or wrongdoing that calls into question the integrity of the real estate profession in Georgia.

This complaint may come from a buyer, seller, employee, or other real estate or appraisal professional.

This includes:

  • Mortgage fraud
  • Negligent property management
  • Misrepresenting a problem
  • Lack of disclosure
  • Unlicensed practice or failure to meet licensing requirements
  • Failure to maintain adequate records
  • False advertising
  • A criminal conviction

Once you have been informed of the complaint made against you, be cautious of speaking to anyone about it until you have sought legal advice. The investigator that reaches out to you will not  be acting in your best interests.

It is often advisable to leave communications with investigators to an experienced license defense attorney.

What are the potential sanctions imposed by the GREC?

The potential disciplinary measures handed down by the GREC include:

  • A public reprimand
  • License suspension
  • Revocation of the license
  • A requirement for additional training

How does a criminal record affect a real estate license application in Georgia?

One of the major “red flags” for the Georgia State Real Estate Commission and Appraisers Board is a criminal conviction on the record of an existing licensee or applicant.

As we know, competency to practice as a real estate professional is only part of the requirement. There is a requirement also to uphold values of honesty and integrity. Certain criminal convictions will call this into question.

As such, it is best to self-report any charges or convictions that may appear on a criminal record background check. The Commission will check this when you apply or renew a license, and it is your duty to disclose arrests and convictions. . Attempting to hide relevant information will not be viewed kindly by the Commission, and the non-disclosure can result in additional sanctions.

It is still possible to obtain or retain a real estate license with a criminal record in Georgia.

When will a criminal record lead to a license denial in Georgia?

Real estate licenses are mainly denied in Georgia because of the following reasons related to background checks:

  • The crime committed was a felony or a misdemeanor crime of “moral turpitude” (e.g., forgery, embezzlement, theft, or extortion)
  • Failure to complete a sentence imposed from a court or licensing body
  • Failure to provide adequate or appropriate character references proving that you are trustworthy
  • The crime was committed recently (within the past two years) and there is a risk of the behavior being repeated
  • Failure to disclose all of the relevant encounters with the criminal justice system.

One professional complaint should not define your real estate career

It can be stressful if your career is jeopardized by  an honest mistake , or your professional reputation is unfairly called into question.

Just because a complaint has been made does not mean you are guilty of the accusation. The assistance of a local real estate license defense attorney can provide support and guidance when you need it most.

Adam D. Brown is ready to hear your story, protect your professional rights, and help you respond to the allegations against you so they do not greatly impact your future.

Contact the Law Office of Adam D. Brown, LLC today at (404) 883-8893 for a free and confidential consultation about your case.

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